A Crazie night

This beautiful lady is the Hope Anderson spokesperson for Pilots for Patients. She’s also Miss Crescent City New Orleans 2008. I had a wonderful time with her a several fellow photographers. We call ourselves the crazies. It’s about time I got to make it to on of the meetings again. You can learn so much from like minded people. Hope thanks again for being our model. You were terrific!

I would also like to call attention to Hopes charity www.pilotsforpatients.org This charity is near and dear to my heart. My father in law Gary Branch passed away 2 years ago. He was in the process of getting his certification to fly these sick patients. Please donate to this wonderful charity. There are so many sick ones these wonderful piliots help!

Hi there



I am a wife to one and mother to three, all of which are BOYS! I wouldn't have it any other way. I have been truly blessed to have found photography. I have the best job in the world! I get to capture memories for my clients that they will look back on and cherish for a lifetime.

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